When I brought my daughter home I was fully prepared; crib check, feeding check, diapers check. But it completely slipped my mind to think about her boogers.
I didn’t think about it is because blowing my nose is something I do everyday, it’s instinctual. For some reason, I hadn’t thought that this too is something I will have to do for her.
I asked my daughter’s doctor ‘how do get rid of the boogers in her nose?’ He told me the following: “Place 1-2 drops of saline solution in each nostril, let it sit for one minute, then use an aspirator to suck out the mucus.”
Sounds easy enough right? Well there are a few options here for parents.
Which Saline Solution
You can use a saline solution from your local pharmacy or what a lot of parents don’t realise is that you can make homemade saline solution with a half a teaspoon of table salt and one cup of warm water.
Personally, I make the homemade saline solution. I feel better when I know exactly what salt is being used and that there is literally nothing else in the warm water but the salt.
Getting the solution into the babies nose is simple if you have an aspirator. You can use it to place 1-2 drops of the saline solution into her nose.
How To Suck The Mucus Out
Booger-sucker-outers at a baby shower can sometimes be like toasters at a bridal shower. You often get way more of them than you need and they aren’t quite the brand you want.
There are a lot of aspirators on the market. But the one I use, that has also been very highly rated online is the Nose Frida. It is a blue tube with a hose at the end. You stick one end in your babies nose, the other in your mouth and literally suck out the mucus. Before you think ‘that’s gross!’ keep in mind that the Nose Frida has a filter to stop you from sucking the mucus into your mouth—and it works.
Your baby may cry because they are not used to the sensation that the Nose Frida gives them. But when the mucus is out, they usually settle down, because they can breath again.
Hope you found this helpful and before you go out and buy anything, please check with your doctor that the Nose Frida will not present any complications specific to your baby.
I wish my parents read this article when I was a baby!