Mothers everywhere dread the over-saturation of candy, that surrounds their children at Halloween and stays for Thanksgiving and culminates in candy-canes-galore for Christmas. So how do we maintain our children’s health when there is just so much sugar all around us?
“I don’t put it in the house,” Kym Whitley tells connectwithlife at the premiere of Disney On Ice’s Frozen. “It’s very difficult but when people give you gifts, you taste them and then give them away. Someone gave me a tin with cookies in them. I ate a couple, gave Joshua a couple and then literally some teenagers came over so I was like ‘here’s some cookies! Take them outta here.’ Cause if you keep them you’ll snack on them.”
There’s more to it than giving away ‘bad’ foods. The Raising Whitley star and mom to four-year-old Joshua Kaleb Whitley, has trained her son to appreciate the taste of fresh foods, which is half the battle. “I started Joshua when he was younger on fruit,” she says. “So he will go into the refrigerator and he’ll ask for an apple. Or he’ll eat grapes, but if he sees sugar of course he’s going to want it.”
But what about mommy? We need sugar fixes too? “Oh there’s a secret sugar cabinet,” jokes Whitley. “I have life saver gummies in there. I can’t live without them, they’re my absolute favorite. I go into the store and I squish the bags to see if they’re fresh. If they’re not fresh, I’ll take them back to the store cause they have to be soft. If they’re too hard, then they’re stale and that’s not good. But when they’re fresh you go ‘yum, nom nom nom’ in your mouth.”